Aug. 21, 2023

Is your feedback Actionable?

Positive Feedback vs Actionable Feedback
Have you ever asked for feedback and received:
- keep doing what youre doing
- youre doing fine
- keep up the good work

I have, and thats not really what Im looking for.
Ive been able to observe tons of people giving #feedback and it seems we arent very skilled at giving or receiving feedback.

I think its because meaningful feedback requires a degree of #vulnerability
What do you think?

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This hug is on feedback. We all love that feedback, and if you know me, I am a feedback fiend. And there's one thing that I hear a lot of people, like they're hungry for positive feedback. And I agree, like, getting stinky feedback all the time ain't fun. But the problem with this positive feedback idea is sometimes it's just really squishy, fluffy stuff that I can't do anything with. Like, it doesn't hurt my feelings, but it definitely doesn't help me elevate my game. And so what I like to ask for is actionable feedback. Like, give me something that I can take action upon. So an example of that is like, Hey, Jess, when you ask me questions, the type of questions that you asked me, get me to think about something differently. that's actionable feedback, because then I can consider what it is I've been thinking about and repeat that in the future. Be cool. And we'll talk at you next time.