Aug. 28, 2023

Its the Simple things

The simple things make the biggest difference, but they aint so easy. Eat nutritious food, sleep, and live your passion! Im batting .300 on this list.

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This one... is about the simple things and that just kind of rolls right off my tongue, but the truth is the simple things are like extremely profound, extremely meaningful, and sometimes extremely freaking hard. to listen to keynote speaker at a conference and Ms. Carla. Who like gave me chills. Her message just spoke to my soul. And I asked a question about what she did in terms of self care to continue showing up and touching people the way that she did. like I was expecting some kind of subscription or, or, Some kind of supplement. And Nope, that's not what we got. What we got was share your passion, eat nutritious food, and sleep. It's like, son of a gun. That's so simple. But so profoundly difficult. And then of course I started thinking, you know, it's difficult for me that clearly it's not difficult for her. Maybe it's not so difficult for other people. And then the flip side, right? The the profound and meaningful things like a smile or somebody noticing that you're struggling and they reach out to you or somebody that is struggling and they recognize you as a resource, somebody they can trust and and confide in. So simple and so profound. And so the question is, how can we spend more time embracing the simple, profound things? And how can we help each other with the simple freaking difficult things? Be cool. And we'll talk at you next time. Peace.