Feb. 9, 2022

Laying the Foundation for a Meaningful Life and Career with Walker Lott and Davis Hambrick

We need to bring love and meaning back into the construction industry. Like a relationship, if your life and your career are built on a strong foundation of love, care, and compassion, it’s going to take something tremendous to tear you down. So, how can we start pouring these elements into the foundation of the construction industry?

In this episode, we have Walker Lott and Davis Hambrick, two young construction professionals and co-hosts of The Laying Foundations Podcast, a podcast about choosing to start a career on solid ground and building up just like a construction project. Listen in to learn their candid thoughts on what gives life meaning and how we can bring love and meaning back into our careers.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

·       The impact that creating The Laying Foundations Podcast has had on Davis’ and Walker’s lives.

·       What it means to ‘lay a foundation’ in life

·       How to overcome the fear of being vulnerable and starting new projects 

·       Men working in construction have one of the highest rates of suicide: What can we do to change that?

·       The power of using your gifts, recognizing humanity, and taking risks to change people’s lives

·       The stories behind why Davis aspired to be a pilot but joined the construction industry instead & why Walker switched from pre-med to building science in college

·       The perils of perfectionism and the power of surrender

·       Lessons learned from feeding the ego and working until burnout

·       Why failure is one of the most important things in life

·       The 3 elements of a healthy culture

·       Davis’ and Walker’s goals and dreams for the future


Resources Mentioned:

The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews




Connect with Walker & Davis:

Visit their website: www.laying-foundations.com 

Follow The Laying Foundations Podcast on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/laying-foundations 





when y'all go back and listen to your podcast, your interviews, and I don't know how much editing y'all do. Um, what did it feel like the first time after listening to y'all co-facilitate a conversation and, and this is important right? To, to reinforce Davis's y'all's point. The point we just talked about is like, you nailed it. When's the best time to plant a tree 30 years ago. What's the next best time right now, because it's got to grow. You got to let those things develop and grow, but there's the fear and the insecurity, like the realities. Of the exposure, people making fun of you, people telling you it's bunk, you know, like why did you pick that person? You know, all the, all the critiques, right. You're going to have to deal with that. But then when you hear your own voice, that's a different level of critic that go for y'all Walker. If you don't care, I want to, yeah. So we had our, I think back to listen to the first two and we had two guys, Jordan Nicholson, and then Nick Chaplet. And I think back to how we started the second one, like Walker and Nick, or like these guys just going at it, like having a good time like this. And I'm just like immediately after Nick finishes his sentence, I'm like, so tell me about being a superintendent. And he's just like, oh, okay, sure. And I'm just like, how uncomfortable was that for him to like this just experienced people and I'm still working out at my OCD shell and just complete change. what's happening in L and M family, Jesse here. And I got a special conversation for y'all today. I got to hang out with Davis and Walker from The Laying Foundations podcast and you're probably going to pick it up throughout the episode, but I'm a big fan of these guys. There are two young professionals that. Exemplify humility and care in a different way of approach and work in a different way of honoring and respecting people. I'm going to ask you guys to check out their podcast. The whole purpose is so that they can pull. And how's that information for future generations that are coming into the industry. Like let's just straight up cold and keep your eyes peeled because these two fine gentlemen invited Renee and I to do a series of live streams with. Talking about, you know, the dynamics of the job side and the dynamics of being a human being. And we're going into some tricky conversations. There's one already posted on their YouTube page and we're going to have one a month coming out for the next three months. So check them out. And in our conversation with these two fine young ladies, We talk about how launching their own podcast impacted them personally and professionally. Uh, I know myself after lunch and this is the learnings and missteps podcast. I've learned quite a bit about my habits and my filler words and, and, and other really amazing stuff. And these guys, they dive into it nice and deep for us. As the conversation goes, we get into talking about how ego can lead you astray and drive you to burn out in doing things that really don't serve you or your community. Uh, it's almost ignoring your calling to, to fulfill some vain or superficial needs. Uh, there's going to be some emotion, so be ready for that. And of course we cannot get started without giving a shout out to our patrons that have been supporting us for months and months now enabled us to get, hire a virtual assistant, to help us with our show notes. So you can tell they're not bulletized and they have meaning and artistry to them. A shout out to Ms. Kayla. So hug for that. and if you're down to support us monetarily head on over to our learners and missteps.com, click on the, become a member button, and there's a bunch of stuff in there for you to click and, and control. And as always, we're super grateful for the time that you have blessed us with. Here we go. What's going on. LnM Family, we got like the dynamic duo. Super cool. Super awesome. Super humble Walker. Lot. And Davis Hambrick from The Laying Foundations Podcast today. What's going on guys? Hey, you forgot super young. Jesse, the silver Fox. That's right. That's right, right out of the gate. I love it. Super young, super young, full of energy and hit you hard. Gotta hit you where it counts. It's exactly right, man. You know, you guys, I think I want to say that y'all are the first folks that ever reached out and said, Hey, can y'all be on our podcast because we heard your podcast. And I remember, and Renee, of course, Rudy's not trying to get an apartment with, with his wife and you know, doing life, like you said, Walker, he's out there. That's important. Uh, but we were, I was like, dude, they want us like, how do you know? Cause like every other podcast that I've been interviewed on is because the people that I know and like, no, like they raise, like, it was like the awesome, his thing. So like, it was the coolest thing to be invited. And since then, you know, we've been pretty connected in doing some other stuff, uh, and I'm going to embarrass y'all, but I am a huge advocate of the two of you y'all know I've been in the industry with all the gray hairs will tell you how long I've been in the industry. Um, and it is rare to find young professionals like yourselves, that approach with the learner's mind all the time to steal Davis's quote, leave with questions and just straight up, like be curious on. Vulnerable human beings. Uh, and, and I know that we need that. And so that's why I'm such a huge advocate and say as many times as I need to say it so that people understand, um, that there is a model out there and you guys are that model. What do y'all think about that one? Well, appreciate that, man. That's a really kind words. I don't know. I don't know if we believed that, but we do try to live up to it as much as we can. You know, being young guys in the industry have a lot more experienced people is a lot harder. Sometimes as we talked about it before, before the show Alex Craft, you know, experience takes time. So kinda, kinda taking that and rolling with it and try to learn something new every day is, is what Davidson I. That's right. And just having the humility every day. Didn't matter if we're CEOs of some big company or we're laborers or whatever, the title we want to just be known for humility, because we know ultimately the next day you can get humbled really quick. Oh yeah. I've lived a life of not trying to be humbled before, you know, I really got to my full-time job and, um, you know, I can just think of lessons of times where Davis was too hot tempered. He didn't take time to ask questions. He didn't care too much about what other people thought he didn't try to build a team. And so I walk around, I mean, just so thankful for Walker have something for you, Jesse, but Walker and I just growing together and excited to see where we go. Hopefully, um, people want to know what it means to be a young person in construction. That's what we're aiming to do. But, um, man, I just appreciate your work. I don't know if we deserve it, but we're going to take them. Hey, come baby. Take them to quote Jennifer Lacy. You've got to own your impact. That's how y'all are impacting me. Um, So with that, uh, well, I'll start with Walker Walker. Um, what do you want the L and M family to know about you? Oh man, that's a good question at Davis. You can like jump in and say, Hey, don't forget this and know that's not true. Well, me and my name is Walker Lott. Uh, currently live in Atlanta, Georgia, uh, from Birmingham originally. So it was a big change, but Davidson, I met at Auburn a little bit about me, I guess, man. I worked for Haskell, uh, the Haskell company. So assistant project manager for them. That's my day job. Uh, on the side, love doing laying foundations with Davis. We have a lot of big plans with that hoping to really, uh, expand the narrative of construction is kind of what we're aiming to do. Not change it necessarily, you know, You don't want to change something. That's working for a lot of people, but if you expand it and you change the way people think about it a little bit, that's kind of what we're aiming to do. Uh, and so hopefully through laying foundations, through conversations with you and, and that's something that we can do, but, uh, I don't know what else to say about me. I just enjoy being here with you. Awesome. Thanks. Thank you. How about you, Mr. Davis? Yeah, I'm David Hambrick cohost The Laying Foundations Podcast with Mr. Walker Lott that's how I bring him in every week, but, um, I'm, uh, assistant field manager at and gory. I met Walker, um, at Auburn university in a roofing competition team. And one thing I'll say about Walker, he's one of the most humble people I've ever met. He will never admit it. And I'm not gonna say his, his accolades because, uh, he didn't want to talk about it, but I mean, just his heart. It's great to see. I don't know why I'm getting emotional, but I've stuffed thankful for him. That's amazing brother. That's that's, that's what it's about, man. That's what it's about. We help each other carry each other through it all. Um, well, so Walker Davis was asked the question of what people should know about him and what he said was what people should know about you. So Walker help us out. What should people know about Mr. Davis? Exactly that is David's is also one of the most humble people you'll ever meet. And he doesn't like to talk about himself. He'll, he'll throw it on other people and talk about all that they've done and who they are, but David's is truly one of the most humble dudes. Uh, he loves Jesus with the passion and, uh, he just gets out there and tries to lead from behind, you know, he doesn't, he's not the guy that's going to jump out in front and leave everyone in the dust, but he likes to make sure everyone gets there on time. And, and no one's going to get left behind. He does that with laying foundations and he does that with his job. You know, I know that he's changed a lot of people's lives already on the job site, just by being afraid. You know, I get to hear stories all the time of, of, uh, David's just sitting there and talking to someone that might not normally ever had someone talk to. And they kind of look at Davis and be like, what are you like, why are you doing this? What are you talking to me for? Like, you know, no one ever does that. And David said, man, I just want to know who you are. I want to get to know you a little bit. I want to be your friend. And the guys are just kind of taken aback, but slowly over time, David's to start to change a lot of these guys, you know, life in a way that they feel recognized and they feel noticed, and that's, that's just a brief description of the man that Davis is. He's a, he's an awesome dude. For those of you who have never met Davis, you need to get to know him because you won't be disappointed and for on that. And I'll tell you this, what you described Walker is exactly what I experienced when I talked to Davis. When I talked to you when we've had interviews and done the live streams, um, and, and what I hope people go back and watch this and listen to this, like this little piece. Uh, what just happened because the love that y'all demonstrate is profound and, and almost entirely absent out there, like we're construction workers, we're men and all these, this, this, um, head garbage doesn't help us, but, and demonstrating, being real and demonstrating the love that we have for each other. And for people like that's, that's what it's going to take it. And you guys, I mean, I swear like every single time I interact with the oldest son of a gun, I wouldn't be like that when I grow up. Like maybe we'll see, we've got guys, I got my crying out early, so maybe we won't have that happen again, but, and I'll crier. Um, I'm so thankful guys. I appreciate you being willing to talk highly about me. Yeah, you're amazing, man. So y'all mentioned The Laying Foundations Podcast and now y'all are like on a pretty rapid clip. I mean, in my head, um, y'all are releasing an episode a week. We are it's, uh, we do about an episode a week and, and honestly, you know, we started that goal and it's like, let's get a couple of episodes recorded and then we'll go from there. And, and there's a, I, I listen to the bigger pockets podcast a lot. I don't know if you've ever listened to that before it's real estate podcasts. Um, I really enjoy real estate. Uh, and so I've listened to them for a year or two and, and, you know, there's one guy on there that said he was a young guy and he did, he did a flip the Tunney houses, maybe like a hundred or something in a year and or 50 in a year, some crazy like an absurd number. And basically he said, you know, we, I did that. Like, that's all I knew. No one told me otherwise. And we've, we've had people say that, you know, while a, a podcast a week or that's a lot, you know, that's like you should have started off with like a podcast every two weeks or a month. And then honestly, we just started, we just started going, cause we didn't know any better. No one told us differently. So that's kind of how we try to try to live a little bit. Um, but it's, uh, it's been tough, but we really, really love doing it. And it's been this, we talked about earlier, it's a learning thing. You know, you talked about posting and different times that people listen, we've been doing an hour long podcast for a while. Then we, we switched to 30 minutes with some wise advice in our life. And, uh, it, that that's changed drastically. We have listeners for like the entire time now instead of just part of it. And uh, it's, uh, it's pretty interesting to see how it's grown and the incredible, incredible people we've had on there. Oh man. Yeah. Y'all have had some, some months. Folks on that on y'all's podcast and the conversations are always amazing. Uh, how about you Davis? What kind of impact is, is y'all's podcasts having on you, man? Well, clearly it's had an impact on me. Um, I just think about the people I've met the people with. This conversation like three years ago, I wouldn't be comfortable with getting to talk to Jesse superstar of just getting to experience him or Ms. Jennifer Lacy or Jason Schroeder, or, you know, I just would not have been comfortable doing it. And the fact that if you start something and you're willing to commit to it and you're willing to grow and you push away the fear because there's fear, there's fear every day about where we're going. Um, but if we continue to grow, if we can still continue to push and build each other up, and like you said, have love for each other, like we're, we're gonna make it and we're going to do whatever God wants us to do. But the impact the link foundation podcast has had on my life is crazy. Like you think about like Walker mentioned, uh, the conversations I'm willing to have with a guy on a job site now it's unbelievable. It's crazy. It's literally like. This person, I'm a huge introvert. People don't know that. And I'm this guy that overthinks, you know, is always thinking about how do I go approach this? You know, before this interview, I've thought a thousand different thoughts and I've slowly began to come out of this OCD nature and slowly turned into a per person. It's kind of shows up and is trying to experience other people and just ask questions. And so it's weird, like the amount of growth from a year of doing a podcast, it's unbelievable. And I would challenge people whether you want to do it for fun or not. If you commit to trying to do one every week, you're going to grow and you're going to get pushed to be uncomfortable. And you're going to look back and go, man, I want to do it again and again and again. Well, you know, w one quote you said is like the best time to start something it's 30 years ago, but the second best time is now, you know? So it's like a lot of people say, oh, I want to do this, or I want to start this, but they don't. They never do. And they're like, I'll start it next week. I started next year. And you know, we're all, I'm guilty of that. We're all guilty of that. But until you just step out there and be like, I'm just going to try it and see how it goes. And then it it'll go. If you put time and effort into it, it will go that's right. A hundred percent wise, wise words. So you guys y'all are out of university. What, like 60 days. Yeah. A lot longer or something like that. So, I mean, recent, recent grads, uh, within the last year, I guess. Yeah. December of 2020, and Walker graduated in August 20, 20, 21. Okay. Okay. That's amazing, man. Congratulations on that. Thank you. Um, tell me when y'all go back and listen to your podcast, your interviews, and I don't know how much editing y'all do. Um, what did it feel like the first time after listening to y'all co-facilitate a conversation and, and this is important right? To, to reinforce Davis's y'all's point. The point we just talked about is like, you nailed it. When's the best time to plant a tree 30 years ago. What's the next best time right now, because it's got to grow. You got to let those things develop and grow, but there's the fear and the insecurity, like the realities. Of the exposure, people making fun of you, people telling you it's bunk, you know, like why did you pick that person? You know, all the, all the critiques, right. You're going to have to deal with that. But then when you hear your own voice, that's a different level of critic that go for y'all Walker. If you don't care, I want to, yeah. So we had our, I think back to listen to the first two and we had two guys, Jordan Nicholson, and then Nick Chaplet. And I think back to how we started the second one, like Walker and Nick, or like these guys just going at it, like having a good time like this. And I'm just like immediately after Nick finishes his sentence, I'm like, so tell me about being a superintendent. And he's just like, oh, okay, sure. And I'm just like, how uncomfortable was that for him to like this just experienced people and I'm still working out at my OCD shell and just complete change. Don't even think about what we're talking about. And he's just like, okay, thank you, Davis. And then he goes into it. So, I mean, I mean, we're already critics of ourselves. They were laughing because it's so funny, but man, we've had people tell. Uh, Walker's mom and my mom, that's the only two listeners we have. So they tell us, they tell us that you teach the first or second episode, man, you've grown tremendously. And I'm like, well, thank you. That's what we need to hear. And we're just gonna keep trying. That's amazing, man. That's a great story. How about you Walker? Honestly, I don't, I don't even remember that very loose. This hilarious. No, it's, um, you know, it is different and, uh, a lot of it comes down to pride in my opinion that we both had plenty of, especially me, but when you, you know, when you kind of start dropping that a little bit and start realizing. It doesn't matter. Like I know who my identity is and that's in Jesus Christ and it's not in what someone thinks of me, which is what a lot of people have, you know, especially nowadays is that, well, they're, they're gonna make fun of me. They're going to think different than me. They're going to talk about me behind my back and they might. And so what, like, if they're going to do it anyway, no matter if you do a podcast or if you start a company or if you work for someone, you know, it doesn't matter it's going to happen anyway. So you might as well go out and do something and start something and make it happen. And so, uh, I mean, that's kinda, that was kind of our, kind of what Davidson I did, you know, but we, we kind of changed the mindset of it. And instead of being embarrassed about that, we started trying to use our resources to our advantage because at the moment, well, you know, at least I was in school and, uh, and I had access to professors and to peep into professors at new industry leaders and to, uh, people at Auburn who had been in the industry for. You know, 30 plus years and then came back and taught and then we've had internships. So we had access to, to that. And so instead of saying, you know, what was me like, Hey, what, what did my resources, what can I use at this very point in time? And how can I leverage those different relationships? Not in a bad way, not taking advantage of them, but how can I leverage what they know and who they know with, Hey, I want to get you on the show. And then afterwards, we always ask the question at the end, who do you know, it's kind of John Maxwell thing, who do you know that might want to do this, or that might be interested. And they're all people are so willing to be, oh man, I know this guy and this girl, and like, let me reach out to them. And they do, you know, I'd say most of the time, not every time, but most of the time they reach out to them and connect us. And we've gotten guests that way. It's just kind of a, it's kind of like a snowball effect. And if you go out and do it, then they worked, you know? Yeah. I, uh, if I could, Jesse going back to, you know, I, I tried to answer that question, but I couldn't do it started crying, but if I can go back really quickly. Um, just to answer kind of what Walker's talked about, you know, ultimately I want to be remembered as not, I hosted a podcast, not that, um, you know, I made a lot of money or I worked for Brasfield and Gorrie. I love that worked for them, but I don't want to be remembered that I want to be remembered that every time I talked to Davis, I was shown love and I was shown that he cared for me and that's at the heart of who I am. And that's what Walker and I want to do. We want to have a podcast to where it's not just about, um, all the things about construction, but it's what we learned. And how can people that have gone through this industry that experienced so much hurt, uh, experienced so much pain, know that, Hey, there's a better way. We don't have to continue to do it the way where we just beat ourselves in like, Jesse, I know, you know this and walk. I know you know this, but the construction industry is the number one industry for sure. And there's a reason for that. And so what can we do? You know, I'm going to push back Walker here. I don't want to just expand. I want to change the industry. That's my heart. I want people to come into this industry and experience completely different than the previous generations. And I think that's just time, like, like we said, experience takes time, but as we continue to mold, I don't want to look back whenever I retire. If the Lord lets me, um, and go, man, I didn't change anything. I wasn't there to help other people. I didn't push back on what the narrative was like. We're going to talk about in this next live stream in February, how to not become Callisto, that's just the way we've done it before. So that those are my thoughts. And I'm getting chills hearing you talk, right? It's uh, I heard a CA I don't know if I heard it or read it. Um, somebody was kind of describing their, their nightmare and they, their description of their worst nightmare would be. Showing up in heaven and meeting themselves and that their greater self saying, man, you just did, you could have done so much more. There was so much more left. Like you just didn't make it happen. And I'm like, oh God, like that's in my head all the time. Like the talents, the gifts that we've been blessed with, if we're not sharing them and like, what, what are we doing? Uh, you know, we're not sharing them to make things better, enhance the quality of life for other people than what are we doing? I mean, that's my philosophy. I'm sure that's not everyone's. Uh, so yeah, th there's this, there's this book I read it's called the Traveler's gift by getting Andy something. I'm trying to remember his last name. No, and Andy Stanley, another guy, uh, but it's called the Traveler's gift. I believe it, one of the best books ever. I loved it. It's a fantastic book. I'd highly recommend it. It's a, it's a, it's a story. It's a fictional, but story with like very true elements in it. And, um, basically I won't go through the whole book, but at the end of it, one of the last, you know, we can do a book, we can do a book club later at the end of the last, uh, one of the last chapters. It's a story about, uh, the guy gets in and he's in a wreck. So now he's kind of like going through different, it's kind of like a Christmas story with Ebeneezer, Scrooge. And, um, but basically the guys going through these different timelines of his life and he gets to one and there's Gabriel, the angel. I think it's Gabriel. That is there. I know there's a couple of different ones. I'm pretty sure it Gabriel and he's. And, uh, and it's the main character of the book and they're in this room, huge room. You can't see the end of it. She was like a massive room with shelves, lining it all the way down these shelf, after shelf, as far as the eye can see, and they're walking in there and they're talking and they're looking at the shelves and all, all on it are these incredible ideas and incredible inventions and incredible things. And it, Gabriel says, these are the ideas and the inventions that would have changed the world that people brought to their grave that never got a chance to see the light, you know, and it's because. Just never took the risks and they never did. They didn't want to go out there and change people's lives. They didn't want to go out there and at least be someone that someone can rely on, you know, and they were very happy with staying in their own little bubble and not living a life that really disrupts anything, which is not a bad thing all the time. Like if, if that is what you are called to do, and you are called to live a very, very simple life of just trying to love people next to you. That's fantastic. But if you are called to do something else, you do not answer that call then your, your ideas, your life is going to end up on a. And, you know, in an empty room that no one ever sees. And so that's kind of how the way is that Davidson, I like to live our lives is that we have something let's try to do it. You know, let's not just sit there and let it wait. And we do, we do a bad job of that sometimes, but we're constantly back and forth on each other. Like, Hey, there's still people out there that, that need some love. There's still people out there that, that need to hear the gospel is still people out there that need to hear about construction and how it's not just, you know, dirty construction worker, but it's, Hey, this can change your life. And that's, that's kinda how we like to link to do laying foundation. Oh man. You know what L and M family, if you're not fired up right now, you need to, uh, you need to go slam some coffee or something because man, I'm like after I, no, no, no. I'll like Devin. Get after it, baby. I got. Well, it doesn't, I'm not even going to go there. I have a list of repository of ideas. I call it the idea incubator I've showed it to Davis. So I use Trello and I have this board of, yeah, I texted him yesterday. I said, I said, I'm tired of us not knowing what pay, like what we're each others are doing. Cause sometimes we'll start texting back. I'm like, what are you talking about? And so we sent an invite to Trello and we both started putting everything on there and then easy. It was so nice. It was like the best thing ever. Oh dude, it's an amazing tool. And like, I get those random ideas after an amazing conversation with beautiful people like you too, or I'm on the plane or reading a book or listen to it's like when I go to the movies, I like to go to the movies by myself and I always take a little, like a little note. A little journal book thingy because it inevitably, man, I'm watching some movie and it'll trigger some memory or something. And, and then it like the Monday morning hugs that I do. That's where those come like, oh, I need to write that one down. I need to write. And then I, you know, get my, get my makeup done and get my highlights touched up so I can get a, get a recording on that. So podcasters, construction professionals, beautiful, confident, loving men that are not afraid to show love that's today. Um, what were your earliest career aspirations to think back? Like, yo don't even have to think back that far, man. Come on. I want to be a pilot. Yeah. I wouldn't be a pilot, but I'm colorblind. So that didn't work out very well. So what, like helicopter, pilot, jet fighter pilot. I was going to go into the air force. And at the time I can't remember exactly what happened, but you know, scored a certain score as bad. They didn't have the thing for me, the job that wanted before going into a pilot. So I didn't take it. But, um, before then, you know why? I think I got so put into construction was, went on mission trips in middle and high middle school and high school. And I just got to go build a roof for somebody or build a garage or do track or pick up trash or, um, we'd eat some monies yard, like something simple. And it's just like the heart of serving people that can't do it. That's what I love. Like, not like, cause I'm getting anything out of it, but because I'm truly adding value to them on something, they can't do my love language for, I tell my fiance all the time is to do something for me that I usually I usually have to do. If you do something for me that I don't have to do, I'm going to just do whatever I can to help you in any other way. Love it. So the pilot thing, what was the. What triggered your interest about being a pilot Davis? Yeah. I don't know. I, uh, you know, I'm fascinated about planes like the other day. So with grasping glory, I got to go do it's a IFM training in Atlanta and I get to fly out there and they, they, you know, they pay for it and I'm so thankful I got the opportunity, but I just think about getting in the air and there's something different about it. I just sit in all up there. I look outside and I'm just watching. And I just think, holy cow, like I get to live on this surf. I get to live in a time where I get to fly. I think back to back 2000 years ago, Jesus, Sage or different things, and people didn't even have running water. And I get that fly in an airplane like holy cow, like it just passed. Um, and that's a beautiful, uh, contrast, you know, we, and we've talked about this, the confusing comfort for value, right? We have refrigerators right now that will store food for an extended period of time so that we don't starve. Right. Like mark Mo like, and still I'll complain about the stupid latte that I ordered at Starbuck. And they didn't get the right consistency of vanilla squirts or whatever. So value for comfort, man. Like we got refrigerators, that's like a miracle, right? Yeah. But I'm complaining about my latte. I, you know, I'd get it. I need a reality reality check every now and then too. It's like, man, I got bills to pay. Well, yeah, but you also have a house. You also, you have electricity, you get the shower, like shut up and pay for it to sleep, right? Yeah. We've got so much to be grateful for man. Like it is. It's amazing how easy it is to, to lose track of that. And again, you guys, I think anytime I've had any contact with you guys, all you do is show a appreciation and gratitude, and that's what, you know, that's why I want to roll with you guys plus, you know, breathe a little youth back into my life. How about you Walker? What were your earliest career? Well, uh, so I was actually pre-med before, uh, before I went into construction, believe it or not. Um, so, uh, actually for most of my life, I wanted to be pre-med or something along the lines. So my dad's chiropractor and a medical doctor, he's got both degrees. Uh, so I kind of grew up in that and my family's a medical family. A lot of my cousins are nurses and granddad's a pharmacist and all, you know, all kinds of stuff. So I grew up in that background, um, and I went to Cobb along college journey is a very long story. Um, but I went to school. Uh, you know, I was, I was pre-med there and I really liked it. Um, but it just, it wasn't, I wasn't feeling called to it. And then a lot of things happened. My parents got in a very bad car wreck, uh, in all kinds of things and they retired them. And so I, I, uh, transferred from that school. Uh, it was pretty far away, 2000 miles away. Uh, and so I transferred back home and I went down, I went back home, uh, went to Auburn and then, uh, kind of my parents were like, Hey, you should look into construction. Uh, you should, uh, you should look into building science. I think you might really like it. Cause I, I grew up. Building with my dad. And then we always did projects around the house. And, uh, I started doing remodel projects for people, for my, my family and, uh, you know, so my parents and I love Legos, like with a passion, I'd still play it. I would still have a Lego room today. No lie. I love Lego so much that it's, they're just a blast. Um, and so, uh, you know, 25 year old saying that might be a little weird, but I think they're great, but you can build whatever you want. It's like just your imagination gets you gets to go. Um, and so, uh, and so I, I tried building science out at Auburn and I loved it. I thought it was fantastic. And I fell in love with it, with the people, with the program and with the industry. And then here we are so well, it's the two things. One I'm going to go with the Lego thing. I have a Lego kit right now in my house. That one day I'm going to set a date. So it's January. By October, I'm going to run you both of you guys through that. So it's a simulation, it's the Lego, uh, last planner system simulation. We use Legos to demonstrate the value that last planner system can have. Oh dude. It's like the old, I mean, you know, there's all kinds of different stuff out there and different opinions. Yeah, man. But I'm telling you it's I love it. I love the game. It's the Lego thing, grown professionals, finally, something about it. It's the coolest, it's the coolest. So that was the one thing. Um, so I'm with you on the Legos. The second thing, and I love it, man. You guys is humility is, is inspiring. So Davis, you asked Walker to like, where were you going to school and walk? I was like, I don't really want to talk about it. And the reason I'm going to push and ask this. As, because Walker people, knowing what we've been through, the highest highs and the low lows communicates to them, what is possible for them. And, and when people meet you and, and, you know, y'all souls and hearts align, their reality becomes expanded because of what you've experienced. And so to share that there's value in sharing that. Um, so David's, if you would please, where was he when he was a thousand miles away? Mr. Walker went to Yale gangster. But if I can, you know why this is just something to me I'm just going to read. This is why Walker and I are lock this. It says, do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring, but someone else praise you and not your own mouth and not an outsider and not your own lips. And that's what we live by. That's why we don't like to talk about the stuff because you never know what's coming tomorrow. You never know if the next day that's what I keep talking about with humility is that the very next day pride can come in and you can say, and someone's going to humble you. And that's why we live at this way. I love it. So then this was the perfect recipe to have both of you on here. Otherwise I wouldn't have heard nothing about you if we was individually. Perfect, man. Congratulations on that Walker. And I think, uh, uh, I don't think I know an important lesson for the L and M family out there is we have an idea of what we want. We like it's, it's a, it's a foggy glimpse of where we think we want to be. And then when we put ourselves in that direction, on that path, we discover that it's not really, it wasn't our calling. It, it was, it's just, oh, it just doesn't sit. Right. It feels, um, it, it rubs us. It rubs us over and over and over it again. And there's absolutely nothing wrong, rather. It is absolutely appropriate to listen to the whispers, to listen to the calling and make those hard decisions. And I applaud your parents for, for saying, Hey, what about construction? Right? Because y'all know I'm a trades advocate. And I talk about, you know, uh, employers that I talk about students, and I talk about teachers, but I don't talk enough about the stress and the, the. The parents go through when they advocate for their children to start a career in construction or in the trades. And, you know, your, your parents said, Hey, why don't you think about this? Uh, and also with their background of being in, in the healthcare medical profession with immense education, and it's a family thing, like that's a pretty darn big deal. So applause to your parents for that. That that's great. You're awesome for sure. Oh man. Big, very thankful that they're still here. So, oh my goodness. Yes. Yes, we're all. We gotta be thankful for that. And so again, one more reminder to the L and M family out there, uh, support the people, you know, the parents, the parents that, you know, That have advocated for their children to begin careers in the trades and in the construction industry, because there's some people out there they're like, oh my God, like, is that really what you want them to do? Like, is that like, they have so much more potential as like, uh, you have, like, you just, they don't know you can't judge it. They don't know, but we need to support one another in this endeavor to go back to Davis is we want to change things and, and the way we change it is together. And we've got to support each other. Everybody, the parents, the students, the workers, the educators, like the entire system in order for it to, to improve to the degree that we want it to improve. I'm doing too much talking. Nah, man, I got something too, is that, you know, walk or not believe a certain thing. It's our faith. And I'll also want people to know. It doesn't matter if you believe what I believe I'm still going to pursue you and help you. And that's where we need to get in the world. Like you don't believe it. I believe that doesn't mean I just, okay. I'm gonna throw you to the side. Like you're trash. No, like the foundation of what we believe is that we want you to see how we live and see what we do. And if that draws you to us, if that draws you to what we believe, that's great. And that's amazing. If not, we're still going to be here for you. And that's the type of servant that we gotta have and construction. Like that's the type of servant I want to be. If I get to be a superintendent one day, that's what I want to be. Because if people see that that's what changes people's lives, and that's where we start to move and change the industry. And not to take too much of the conversation here. But going back to what you were saying, Jesse, you talked about how, um, you know, the parents in supporting them that they're advocating for, for people to go or their kids to come into the trades and the construction. You know, I understand because if not obviously, Jesse Walker, we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't get to have this offer up awesome opportunity, but then be just value people because it doesn't, I'm selfish. I want you to come to construction. Okay. I want you to see how great this industry is. But again, there's people that man there there's janitors, there's teachers, there's people that people think of at the lowest of low, like they're humans that do something for you every single day. And we're going to complain about it, man. I'm thankful for them. I'm so incredibly thankful for them. And we got to get back to just valuing people more, no matter what they believe and trying to love them through whatever they push us on. If that makes any sense to add to that. I mean, I think like you said, people are, and again, we're all guilty of it and not like pointing my finger at someone, but people are so self-centered nowadays that that's what they do is they think about themselves most of the time, which is human nature. I get it. I totally get it. It's human nature. I am very guilty of it, but you have to fight to step outside of that and to change how you live. Because like one of my favorite things to do is just to say, Hey, to like the receptionist or to people that are in the front desk of an office building like a security guard, because no one ever talks to them like ever, you know, it's the craziest thing. Cause if you just start having a conversation with them, you learn. If you learn their name, the name is the sweetest thing that someone will ever tell. All right, because it's an identity. It's what people are calling. It's what they call you by. And so if you just learn someone's name and talk to them and get to know them, oh man, it changes. It changed their life. And I'm not saying like, oh, look at me. I'm just saying like, everyone should do it. It's it. You should, because you will be changed and they will be changed simply because you have a relationship with them. Now that people don't usually do it. Like I've had some people say like, you know, no one's ever stopped and talked to me before. Like that hurts me. That makes me sad because you're there. They're their person too, you know, come on, just have a conversation. You can take a minute out of your time and walking in the office to talk to someone new that you've never said, Hey dude, before just ask their name through like, uh, like Ryan, like, oh, cool. Nice to meet you. Like I hope you have a great day. And then you just start adding to it as you go. It's so little things that people can do every single day that will make a massive. Yes. And we have to get to, to, to get out of ourselves right out of myself, to be able to do that. And I'll tell you, I I've struggled with addiction and living. Uh, I was a black hole of need. Like it was all about me. I just needed more. What was my drug of choice more? That's what I wanted. I just needed more for me to consume of whatever and anything. It was the only thing that got me out of that was getting outside of myself. The more I fed into me, the worse it got, it just got stronger and stronger, but getting out of myself and saying, recognizing that the person in front of me is the most important person in the room, changed my life. 'cause I mean, you know, people may think of us. Hi, very highly. Now. I hope it don't. I want to be humbled everyday, but it's like, you know, I'm messed up. I've met, I made failures. I've had my own types of addiction and I want people to look at me now and think, wow, this guys is humble. He can talk. Like, I don't want to remember that. Like guys, I've messed up. Everybody's every single person on this earth has messed up. And that's the whole point of trying to value who people are and what they do is because I know I've messed up and I didn't give myself enough. Grace. I want to be there for someone else. So they experienced that grace of, Hey, like Jesse said, my addiction was just more, more bore and it wasn't about other people. It was about myself. And so how do we flip that? Like you said, Jesse, we turn and we want to think about the other person and we want to do whatever we can to help them. Not selfishly, not looking for anything. Yeah, Davis does a great, I will add Davis does a great job at that, especially on, on the podcast and especially on it. As long as the job site, he's constantly looking for, for someone to, to touch in a positive way and to make a little difference in them. So, yeah, that is, that is a good example of someone to follow. And for you, you've done that for me, both of you have. And so now, like this is a perfect segue into the big question. So the question is, uh, we'll, we'll start with Davis and they'll come to you. Walker. The question is what is a significant learning you've had as a result of a painful misstep? I knew this was coming and it's still hard to, I love it. Well at painful. We talk in this life in general life in general. Okay. Well, I mean, if you can hear me now, you couldn't tell two, three years ago, but All right. Y'all we got a bit of a change here. Yes. I'm breaking up the flow and that's not going to change. It's going to stay the same, but the L and M family has spoken out and we've heard you loud and clear. What we are doing is the backstage passes. These clips that you're not going to be able to listen to on this audio version are now going to be available to everybody. On our YouTube channel. So head up our YouTube channel, subscribe, follow, like hit all the buttons and, and give yourself a little bit of a. Uh, learnings and missteps marathon and catch up on all the outtakes. We want to hear your comments and we want to know what you're learning from these things, because all of our guests have shared some pretty intimate, uh, missteps and have had some pretty profound learnings. And we hope that you can take that and apply that going forward and even teach it to your people, the people you care about. So, That is going to be the deal going forward. Thank you for supporting us and back to the show. maybe you feel this too. Sometimes it's like, man, nobody's listening. Like Y Y you know, it's taking so long, it's a small amount of viewership, et cetera, on what you're doing is you're building yourself the growth of the podcast, the, you know, the accolades and all the attention, like you said, Walker that like, how important is that? And you, it's easy to get lost in the celebrity of all those things, but what y'all are doing is building yourself and like, and the way that y'all serve the way that y'all show up, I'll just say the way that you make me feel tells me that you're building something, that's going to be amazing to make, to, to continue adding and spreading that love and that value across everybody that you touch. So I don't know where you are on listenership, and it doesn't mean. Because the outcome that I see is you guys are gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and, and understanding how to better share your gifts and talents with the world. Like if that's not a win, bro, I don't know what is, so keep, just keep being amazing. Nah, she's just going to say, you know, one of the coolest things that Davidson I experienced is when we have someone to reach out to us and he's like, dude, I, I I've been listening to it. I love this. It's, you know, I've learned so much or I've, I've, I've grown or like, I really appreciate you sharing this message even, you know, like I said, Alex Craft, we, we just interviewed him, uh, last week, uh, earlier, earlier this week, I guess you say it, uh, and one thing he's like, dude, like, I love listening to your podcast because I get to see other people's point of views. He's he's he's made this really cool app. I'll give him a little love called Heath H a V E. It's really cool. If you want to rent like heavy equipment, uh, really easy and you don't have to talk to people on the phone, you can just say what you need and you'll get quotes back from different vendors all throughout the areas. Um, really cool. Really cool. Look it up. heave.co I think is a, it's a website, but either way, uh, you know, he was saying like, I get to experience other people's viewpoints that I don't ever get to talk to. And that's, that's our goal. We just want to share people's stories and, and let people listen to it. And that was exactly, that was the update that we didn't, we didn't think about that, to be honest with you. David's and I've never heard that before. He's like, but I get this. How does he think, how does this guy think that is like this that helps me or Alex talking that helps me do my job better. It gets me to grow a little bit better. I get to see what other people think. And I don't, I get outside of my bubble cause he's in the heavy equipment world. Right. And it's hard to, when you're in one world, you don't really get out of it very much unless you like try to get out of it. And that's, this is one way that we can help people get out of it. It's just by bringing on just all kinds of different people like you and like gin and Adam and all kinds of people. Yup. Yup. You mentioned Jen and Adam, but I know if y'all know about this, but we have

a regular call twice a week at 4:

00 AM. Uh, and we've been working, uh, I say we Adam's been doing all the heavy lifting, working on a blog about culture and y'all all, y'all sit the three words or some semblance of the three words Adam's been able to tease out Adam hoots. Right. Been able to tease out, um, love, caring, compassion. I think those are some primary elements of a healthy culture. Uh, and I guess, let me go on a little rant here. As you guys were talking about the, your learning did misstep, the significant one, what came out was love, caring, compassion, what you guys displayed for one another in the sharing of, of, of those missteps, um, was love caring, compassion. You almost said those three exact words in, in a sequence, and it's an important element to point out there. Uh, and also it's foreign language that we don't necessarily use a as men in any space. That's huge. Right. And then men in the construction industry with the silver Fox and head some young men, right? Like all of this stuff, future, uh, Social media influencer, whatever. Right? I'll just, it is foreign language for that to come out of a man smile. And, and I applaud you guys cause that's just where you come from. That's what you show. And I need to say this, uh, because we have to display the behaviors that we see. And in order to have that change Davis that you were talking about earlier, we have to be visibly different. And so Davis, I love you. You've had a tremendous impact on my life and, and I will carry it forward forever. Walker. I love you, man. I had no idea. About the celebrity that I was speaking to these podcasts, or, you know, the, the, the highlights that you've had, you've had some pretty damn significant highlight. You got a highlight reel out there. There's no doubt in my mind. Um, and, and I love you because that's not where you're coming from. You're coming from a human to human. So I love you both gentlemen. And I want to say that, and I hope that people are getting a little shocked by hearing a man, tell some other men that he loves him, uh, because that's what we needed because you know what, that's what I feel. And I don't need to be suppressing those feelings. And thank you both. For creating this space right now that we're in that compelled me to say that because I'm sure I'm going to miss it too. It like, we all do, right. It's like, oh, love you too, man. We've had just talking about this and men and construction unmapped to go on a tangent too. So I had someone in my life as names, actually, Cindy Mims. I'm going to give him a shout out because he has a workshop it's called the builder and he creates, uh, he's uh, a craftsman, just, uh, just some of the works. Unbelievable. Um, He told me, he loved me while we were still in school. And I was like, what the heck is this? I just like turned around and walked away. But I saw how he lived. I saw how great of a man he was. I saw about, um, how he was in school, doing things differently. Um, extremely disciplined, extremely disciplined, spoken to my life. And in so many ways I had a lot to him that dudes just a great guy, but experiencing him and him telling me he loved me. I was like, what in the heck? Well, you know, he's married now. And he had his wife, he has a kid and he's got that successful business and just think about, you know, why do we get so uncomfortable with saying, I love you to know the guy. Well, he's so secure in himself that he doesn't care. What, what David's really thinks about him. He's just going to serve me and he's going to love me and he's going to care. And you know, the world tells me. Go be a toxic masculine man, but you can still be masculine and say that you love someone else. And because you just care, you value that other person and you want to help them. There's nothing wrong. And there's different types. Love, obviously. Like I love my family a different than I love Jessie. I love my lady. Definitely. Now love Walker. There's a different time and I'm not trying to get too into the weeds, but I mean, if we could just be comfortable as men to go in and care, like generally care. Like when I see the guys on my job site, I don't just see bodies that push out a product and I'm making money. And I think I work for a company that knows me saying this is it. They want it. We want to value the people that come on our job site because they go home to families that they love that they experienced. And if I don't treat them the right. They I'm a direct impact and they go home to their family and they take it out on their wife or kids. And I, for sure, I do not want to be remembered that way. So how in the moment, when on earth in a mad, and someone's not doing something that I asked them to do, how can us start to lower myself and go, all right. It's all right. We're going to be okay. We're going to push through it and not respond to the anger. Well, to do that, you show it, love you go by. I'm going to take a beat. I'm going to go walk around and get out of this. Uh, I could, I could, I could go curse this guy out. I'm so mad, but I'm gonna take some time. I'm gonna reflect. And then I'm gonna go talk to him and ask him questions and figure out what's going on in his life. Guys, if you do that, if you go take a minute and go ask questions, most of the time, guess what? That guy's going through. Something in life. He's gone through something in life and he doesn't really need someone yelling at him, cursing them out, tell him that he's doing this. You're not doing it right. You're not meeting. Go be a human and treat that human the way you want to be treated. And if you do that, that's when life change happens, change happens. Yeah. Mike drop it, bring into it right there. That's great. I love it. You guys are amazing. All right. So we'll go sliding into home, home base. Um, I, and I think, I think people are going to be able to like, whatever you, whatever your response to this question is, people are going to say, yup, no doubt. Those, those young men are absolutely going to be doing that. Uh, and so Mike, the question is, what footprint do you want to leave on this world? Walk? Are you good at first? That's a good one. Golly. And I just don't know. I think it's come out of me. I mean, you see the tears, you see the passion, you see the love I have for people. You know, I talked about how I want to be remembered, but you know, ultimately I feel this call, I feel, feel this. And Jesse, I've shared this with Jesse and Walker, and I think it's going to take time. You know, experience takes time. I don't have the silver highlights yet, so I don't know exactly what other grown men in construction have gone through yet. I just haven't haven't experienced it. But I think one day ultimately I would like to be a counselor to our tradesmen and women or trades men and women, because thank God there's so much in industries treated. Not all of them. I'm not going to just say it's abroad, but some of them just been treated like crap. They've been spit up. They've been chewed up. And it's a pair with me going back to saying about the suicide. We're the highest industry with suicide and it's higher than OSHA's fatal four. So how can I make an impact where I can give a person, you know, a safe place. And when people hear that, some people on the conservative side, when they hear sex place, they go, what is that crap? Like, why are you saying that? Well, I'm giving them an area so they can talk and have their feelings out. And because I needed that, someone did that for me, someone gave me the opportunity to go, um, just feel comfortable, the cry and not get renewed, to work through issues that I need to work through. And ultimately, you know, I talk about her so much. Walker's probably tired of hearing her, but as my aunt, man, just what a person she was for me. But I want to be able to do that for other people, because if I've had to go through. And guys, I haven't experienced like a lick of what a tradesman has. I'm very fortunate. I went to college. Yeah. I worked in a home builders, but I did not grow up like Jesse being a plumber, working through it, putting your body on the line. I haven't had to do that. I'm so extremely thankful I had it. But I think back to what if I did, we were, the men impacted me in that arena. Well, I know this is, I'm kind of all over the place with this, but I just, I think about that so much that I think about what can I do to help others get out of, okay. No matter how someone else treats me, I'm going to show up every day, I'm going to take care of people. I'm going to value them. I'm going to love them and I'm going to do what's best. And I'm going to try to make an impact on my sphere of influence every single day. I have a lot of passion. I'm sorry. Yeah, you do you no need to apologize. We need that passion. The world absolutely needs that. Uh, and it, hopefully it gave Walker some time to warm up and check his notes. Uh, now I, uh, I mean, honestly, a lot of it goes in line with they, with Davis. Uh, you know, I, I value people somewhat. I, I, again, that's the only, the only thing life that you can count on to be there is going to be people like your, your stuff. Can't be there for you. Like your, your coffee cup says get after it. Can't be there for you. You know? So I mean, the only thing that you have in life, it is people really. And that's what we're called to love. Again, we go with that love thing, but, but genuinely, I hate to see for one, I hate to see people put down for no reason. That drives me nuts. I don't know. And I've been guilty of before, but it's, I want people to feel valued. I want them to feel loved. And uh, I want them to know that they can do so much more than they possibly ever thought they could. Like, I hate the, I hate the, the, uh, what's the word. I hate the assumption that people, uh, you know, whatever classic come into or whatever, uh, uh, world, they, they get brought up into, they had to stay there. Like they can't move, they can't grow. They can't, you know, like, well, this is what my dad did before me. So I'm going to do this too. I was like, no, you don't ha you don't have to do that. If you want to go for it, I don't care. But if you don't want to, and you're just staying there because that is what you were told to do. They can freaking get over it. Like you don't like, don't let someone tell you that that's what you have to do, you know? And so going, I guess I'm getting on a rant too, but I just want people. I guess, what was your question? What people, how you want to be, what footprint do you want to leave on the world? Yeah. And that's it it's out. I want people to know that when they think of me or when they think of only foundations or Davis that, uh, they truly felt heard and valued and listened to and respected and, and heard, you know, like that. I know I said her twice, but again, we're going back to people. Don't listen. Like how many times I do this all the time. How many times do you say to someone, Hey, how are you when you walk by? And they're like, good. How are you? Good. And that's it. That's literally the conversation. Every time you don't know about them, you don't care. Like, you know, I try to, at least when I call people on the phone, like, how is your day going so far? Or when I talk to like a cashier, how's your day going so far? Like, have you had a good day so far? The first person that's asked me that today, or no one's ever asked me that before. Like, I want to know. I care. I want to know how your day's going, because maybe I can make it better with a kind word or like something. Right. And so just, I don't know, the, that's a good question. I don't really have a straight up answer for it, but just the footprint of being like loving people. Like it's as simple as that, you know, it's, it's the easiest thing to do Highlands. The church that I go to ACC now kind of online, I guess. Cause not I'll bring more, but when Tyler was on my life and one thing is this, uh, what is it find freedom. Uh, what is, oh, what is it, Davis? No, God find freedom. Discover your purpose. And one other thing, it's like, those are very good words to live by because that is exactly what you need to do. And it's it's, uh, I don't know. I, I could go on and on and rambling and not making much sense. W we'll walk her. I mean, originally when we first started racing and we started to go from the why and our values, but even before that, I know we, we call it a podcast value, listen, to understand, not respond, but yeah. Walker and I clicked on, we want people to realize that whenever we're talking to them, they just get intense, focused on them. And so many people in this world don't even do that when they, when you're talking to someone it's, I'm going to hear and yeah. Okay. And blah, blah, blah. They're not even paying attention to what you're doing. I want people to see Davis and see I'm locked in and I'm listening. And that requires a lot of attention, but that's what I want to do because I used to be the guy that would just be like this on listening and doing something else. Like multitasking is a myth and focusing on people, you have to give them your attention and Sila Walker's ready. Cause I'm getting inspired here. But like, that's what we want to do. We want to listen and we want to understand not to respond, but to truly help them. Yeah. I mean, they've said it perfectly. I can't really say it any better than that. You know, we, we have some values on the podcast and that is one of them. Uh, and it's just so many times in life people. And again, when I say people, I am just as guilty of this, like more than, more than most, I am so guilty of it. That that is why I think I have at least some authority to talk over it because I've done it so many times. But you know, there's so many times where you'll look at someone and you'll hear what they say, but like we say, listen, to understand, not to respond all you want. All you're thinking about as you're listening to someone talk is what you're going to say. You're not thinking about what they just said. You're not thinking about like, what do they mean by that? Like what are they actually struggling with? What's a deeper meaning behind what they just said. You're like, oh, that's cool. Let me tell you about me. You know, let me tell you what I say. And the thing is, people do not want unsolicited advice. I'm going to say people don't want it. No one wants your advice. If they don't ask for it, do not, do not give your advice to someone. If they do not ask for your advice, because people don't want it. If you have a conversation with someone it's like, Hey, uh, well I think you should do this. And I think you should do this. And I think, no, one's going to listen to you. But if you deeply understand them and you say, well, tell me about this. Well, tell me about this. Well, tell me about this. Eventually. It's going to come through. Well, you know, w what do you think? Well, I think this, and like, that is how you get to it. That is how you can tell your opinion, not just by volunteering, like. Do this, I think you should do this. I think you're wrong. I think this is what happens. Like I just, I hate it. I hate it. And I used to do it all the time. Again, Caroline, she's done an incredible time to saying people. Don't like, people don't want unsolicited advice, but they ask for it, tell it to, but get to know them. Don't just want to talk and tell it and talk about you. Like talk about them, ask them questions, ask them questions, asking questions, get to know them. Yes, that is great advice. Walker. That's a joke. Now you guys y'all answered the question brilliantly. Um, I know after you listened to it, you're going to say, oh wow. That did. I said something good that y'all are y'all are like speaking truth, man. It's beautiful. Um, I know the L and M family is going to get to get a whole lot out of this. This is amazing. Um, and I mean, we're coming up on like, it's time, right? You, we know. I would be very sad if we were not going to be talking again, but we will be talking again. Right. We've got, uh, we've got a few more live streams on the books. Uh, and we'll see, I got to go wrestle with Renee, maybe bribe, bribe his beautiful wife to like, can we please have him for the morning? Yes. Yes. He loved like, he w you know, we talked about, he almost backed out because of work, but it ended up working out that he was able to be on. And afterwards he's like, man, that was awesome. I was like, I told you, dude, and they're cool. Like the kind of people you want to be seen with. Um, so we will be having future conversations, uh, like live and available for people to, to impart in and see I'm wearing a cap today. Uh, but I will have the highlight shining for the live stream. So guys did y'all have a good. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Great time. This is awesome. Hey, people don't realize you see the eyebrows, the real color, so that gray is telling you how much time you spent highlighting. But yeah, definitely. We had an unbelievable time. Um, I, I appreciate you. Uh, the value you created for me is unlike any other, I wouldn't have saw a year ago when I met this dude. Who's learning missteps that I wasn't so close to him, but B uh, just how much value we've taught on our phone calls before, about what you poured into me. And Hey, let's approach it this way. Are you asked first? You go, Hey, can I, can I challenge you? Hey, can I give you some advice? Hey, can I say, yeah, come on, tell me, push me. Like, I need it. And non joke about the wisdom and the gray hair, but, and you've gone through life. You've had great experience and you just want to help people and you are, you, you feed into us, you serve us. And I'm just so thankful for you. I appreciate what you do for us Didn't I tell you, these dudes are next level. I feel 10 years younger, just hanging out with them. Still got the gray hair though. And now we're going to give a shout out. I mentioned her just a second ago and I want to make sure this name does it get missed because she has contributed greatly. Uh, to this podcast, she, she writes up our show notes. She comes up with the titles, super creative, super great to work with. You can find her on Fiverr, uh, as Kayla underscore soul hug. She gave us a special little note specifically about this episode. So Kayla says amazing episode with amazing guys. The industry needs more love and more people like you through. Kayla. Thank you for that. Of course, you know, I was a little selfish there. I had to pat myself on the back. Kayla, thank you for your support and for your observation, I know how much time and effort you put into intently. Listening to every episode we send your way, and we are grateful for the product that you have provided us with and to the rest of the L and M family. We love y'all and we'll talk at you next time. Man you are one dedicated listener, sticking with us all the way through to the very, very, and please know that this podcast dies without you. And we invite you to share how the episodes impacting you along with your thoughts, questions, and suggestions. You have been gracious with your time. So we added social media links in the show notes to make it super easy for you to connect with. Be kind to yourself. Stay cool. And we'll talk at you next time.

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