Jan. 1, 2024

The Human Cost of Success in Construction MMH

 Lets talk about my disappointment with the current over-emphasis on traditional 'kindergarten measurements' like schedule and budget in construction projects, disregarding the human cost. Im looking for some help to develop apps and trackers that can measure the impact of these stressful working conditions on personal lives including divorces, substance abuse, cancelled ballgames, postponed vacations and broken commitments. 

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00:00 Introduction: A Call to Tech Enthusiasts

00:14 The Problem with Current Measurements

00:40 The Human Cost of Success

00:57 A New Approach to Measuring Success

01:24 Conclusion: A Challenge to Innovators


This one is for all my technology and data freaks. No hate, nothing but love for you, but I need your help. You know, there's all kinds of apps and trackers and dashboards KPIs and OKRs. And I just gotta say I'm disappointed. Because it feels like we're measuring the easy stuff. And just finding different ways to twist them and turn them and polish them and shine them. And it's just the same old boring kindergarten measurements. And what do I mean by kindergarten measurements? Well, schedule and budget, we usually use that in construction to define success. We finish on schedule and we finish on budget. But what we don't talk about, uh, is the cost to the human lives. That work ridiculous amounts of hours in less than amazing conditions to get that work done so that some company can put on their website, on time and on budget. And so here's the ask, what would it take to measure the number of divorces, the number of people caught up in substance abuse? The number of ballgames cancelled, the number of vacations that have been postponed, the number of times these individuals have broken their personal commitments to themselves and to their loved ones. Can you give me a dashboard that does that? Be cool, and we'll talk at you next time. Peace!

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