June Vid Letter: Retreat Recap, Podcasts, and New Projects

Expand your Influence:

John St Pierre Interview:

Rebecca Davison Interview:

Steph and Jess Build an App:


Hey everyone! After a little break, I'm back with June's update from sunny San Diego. I've got some exciting news to share - our recent Reciprocal Propulsion Retreat was a blast! Shout-out to Megan, Rocio, Lien, and Jennifer for making it memorable. We're planning more, so stay tuned! Plus, if you're keen on boosting your leadership with facilitation skills, check out our new program kicking off with the Cultivation Crew. Don't miss my recent podcasts with Rebecca Davison and John St. Pierre – you'll find some great insights there. Lastly, my friend Stephanie and I started a live stream series, 'Steph and Jess build an app,' and I'm also collaborating with AltCMO to up my marketing game. Thanks for sticking around, and don’t forget to nudge me if I disappear again. Be kind, be cool, and catch you next time. Peace!

00:00 Welcome Back! Monthly Video Letter Introduction
00:09 Reciprocal Propulsion Retreat Recap
00:46 Upcoming Facilitation Skills Workshop
01:27 Exciting Podcast Interviews
02:33 New Live Stream Series: Steph and Jess Build an App
03:15 Collaborating with Alt CMO
04:13 Closing Remarks and Future Plans