Emotional Bungee Jumpers Early Adopter rate ends Friday March 17th
• https://www.depthbuilder.com/emotional-bungee-jumpers
Reciprocal Propulsion March 31-April 2nd
• https://www.depthbuilder.com/offers/Bhwhqyjc
YouTube 75000 Views, 7700 Downloads
Upcoming Goodness:
The Lean & Love Audio book will be available Saturday March 18th
• Purchase here https://www.depthbuilder.com/5s
Sweet Resources:
Intelligent Construction Opportunities Newsletter
• https://intellopps.com/newsletter-sign-up-tech-drops/
Construction Curiosities Newsletter
• https://constructionyeti.substack.com/
Mental Health Resource
• https://www.creativehealingworkshops.com/
Love you all and thank you for believing in us!
- Have some laughs with the Lean & Love Audio Book Blooper reel: https://www.depthbuilder.com/pl/2147665682
- Get yourself a sample of the Lean & Love Reflection Guide with journal prompts that help you focus on your most important relationships
- Engage with a community of Industry Professionals focused on expanding their leadership skills.
- Get your copy of Lean & Love 5S Love letters https://www.depthbuilder.com/5s
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#learningsandmissteps #depthbuilder #emotionalbungeejumpers